Instructor: Mr. Michael McNamara
Symphonic Orchestra
Prerequisite: 1 credit of Concert Orchestra and Audition, director discretion
1 credit
The Symphonic Orchestra is an award winning group open to all string students in grades 10-12 by audition who have one year of experience in Concert Orchestra. The Symphonic Orchestra repertoire challenges and encourages students to play at their highest potential. It performs collegiate and professional level repertoire. A student’s admittance to and continued participation in the orchestra are at the discretion of the director. Members of the orchestra are held to the standards of a professional orchestra in matters of preparation of their parts, orchestra decorum, and professional behavior. The orchestra rehearses in class just as strings, and also a few evenings per concert cycle to combine with the Symphonic Winds to create a full orchestra. The Symphonic Orchestra is required to attend all rehearsals held outside of school time.
This group is taught primarily by Mr. Mac. You can find his page here:
Symphonic Orchestra
Video Performance Archives
2023 Winter Concert:
Overture to Egmont, Marriage of Figaro, and Intermezzo performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra.
Michael McNamara, conductor
Performed December 13, 2023 Anne Richardson Auditorium Ridgefield High School Ridgefield, CT
Filmed, edited, and mastered by Manheimer Video Productions
Produced by Ridgefield Music Parents
2023 Spring Concert:
Russian Sailor's Dance, Reinhold Gliere
Symphony No. 5, MVT IV &V, Gustav Mahler
Michael McNamara, Conductor
Recorded May 10, 2023 at the Anne S. Richardson Auditorium Ridgefield High School Ridgefield, CT
Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents
Filmed and produced by Manheimer Video Productions
2022 Winter Concert:
Symphony No. 9 "New World" -Antonin Dvorak, MVT II & IV
Michael McNamara, Conductor
Recorded May 10, 2023 at the Anne S. Richardson Auditorium Ridgefield High School Ridgefield, CT
Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents
Filmed and produced by Manheimer Video Productions
Performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic - May 25, 2021
Symphony No. 1, Mvt I, Gustav Mahler (0:00) Symphony No. 7, Mvt I, Ludwig van Beethoven (16:08) Symphony No. 5, Mvt IV, Ludwig van Beethoven (28:26) Michael McNamara, Conductor. Ridgefield High School Music
Filmed by Manheimer Video Productions
Performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra. October 22, 2020 in the Anne Richardson Auditorium at Ridgefield High School. Michael McNamara, Conductor. Filmed, produced, and recorded by Noah Manheimer at Manheiner Music & Video Productions, Ridgefield, CT. Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents, Inc.
Performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra. October 22, 2020 in the Anne Richardson Auditorium at Ridgefield High School. Michael McNamara, Conductor. Filmed, produced, and recorded by Noah Manheimer at Manheiner Music & Video Productions, Ridgefield, CT. Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents, Inc.
Performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra. December 11, 2019 in the Anne Richardson Auditorium at Ridgefield High School. Michael McNamara, Conductor. Filmed, produced, and recorded by Noah Manheimer at Manheiner Music & Video Productions, Ridgefield, CT. Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents, Inc.
Performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra. December 11, 2019 in the Anne Richardson Auditorium at Ridgefield High School. Michael McNamara, Conductor. Filmed, produced, and recorded by Noah Manheimer at Manheiner Music & Video Productions, Ridgefield, CT. Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents, Inc.
Performed by the Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra. December 11, 2019 in the Anne Richardson Auditorium at Ridgefield High School. Michael McNamara, Conductor. Filmed, produced, and recorded by Noah Manheimer at Manheiner Music & Video Productions, Ridgefield, CT. Sponsored by Ridgefield Music Parents, Inc.
The Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra performs Tchaikovsky’s Marche Slav, 14th April 2016.
The Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra performs Overture to Egmont by Ludwig van Beethoven at the winter concert, December 16th 2015. This epic tone poem is the opening movement to Goethe’s Egmont, about a Dutch duke who was put to death resisting the Spanish Inquisition. He met his death with dignity and honor and is considered a hero, appropriately composed during Beethoven’s “Heroic Period.”
The Ridgefield High School combined Symphonic Orchestra and Concert Band perform the finale movement of Respighi’s Pines of Rome under direction of Michael McNamara. The finale of the April 14th 2016 concert brought on stage all members of the RHS music department, students and staff to perform this rousing musical depiction of the armies of the ancient Roman Empire returning from their campaign.
Ridgefield High School Symphonic Orchestra performs (and dances to!) Danzon No. 2 composed by Arturo Marquez at the winter concert, 16th December 2015.